Guest Speaker - Major Pete Norton

Making Generation R (Blesma and the Drive Project) with Major Pete Norton

As part of our PSHE programme, Major Pete Norton joined us as a virtual guest speaker. Pete gave a truly inspirational talk about his career in the army. Having being deployed to Iraq in 2005 as part of the Combined Explosives Unit, Pete was seriously injured when an IED exploded. He lost his left leg and part of his left arm, and he sustained serious injuries to his other leg and lower back. Despite his injuries, he continued to give instructions to his team, suspecting that further devices might be in the vicinity. Pete was awarded the George Cross for his actions.

The focus of Pete's talk was resilience and how to keep going in the face of adversity. Pete stressed the importance of setting daily goals and how talking to and helping others can help you to deal with life's challenges.

We look forward to welcoming further Generation R speakers into the Academy next year.