Student remote working support

Please find details below on our new way of coding Class Charts during lockdown:

Setting and submitting work

The setting and monitoring of work will take place on Class Charts.

You are expected to log in to Class Charts each day to check the work you are expected to complete as per the teacher’s instructions.

Teachers will also send you a link/invite to join a Live Teams lesson. If you have Microsoft Teams downloaded, you will receive notifications through the app and lessons will appear in your calendar. You are expected to join all these lessons to demonstrate you are present and ready to learn.

During lessons you are able to ask questions and gain help and support using the chat function within TEAMS, which staff will show you how to use.

At the end of a lesson you should send your class work to your teacher. It will be made clear by your teacher how to do this, but the main ways to do this will be via sending your teacher an email or submitting the work in Microsoft Teams. (If you are unsure how to do this, contact your teacher who can support you with this)

Students and parents can use Class charts to regularly monitor the work completed to ensure all work is up to date. Teaching staff will log lesson attendance and work completed in the following way:

Red = Not attended TEAMS LIVE call and no work submitted

Green = Attended teams call and work submitted

Yellow = Attendance to TEAMS LIVE lesson only (shows as late until work is submitted)

Blue = Work submitted only and other circumstances

Click here for a copy of our student/parent/carer handbook which contains further information about our remote learning offer and expectations.

I have attached a PowerPoint which outlines how to access emails and Class Charts.

There is a separate link for Teams so that your child can engage 'live' with their teacher:

Click here

Below is a Youtube Video to offer guidance and help to access emails and class charts