Virtual Parents Evenings Launched at CVEA

Virtual Parents’ Evenings launched at CVEA

Owing to the current COVID restrictions, we are very aware that we have been unable to hold parents’ evenings in the usual way. We recognise how much you value the importance of good communication between the Academy and home and so, we investigated several solutions to remedy this need. In January, we held our very first ‘virtual’ parents’ evening with Year 8. The evening was hosted by School Cloud and parents and carers were invited to create a schedule of video appointments, each lasting 5 minutes, with their child’s teachers using their mobile phone. This meant that appointments could be made to suite the parent’s availability and completely removed the need to queue up. In a post-event survey, 100% of parents reported that the system was simple to arrange appointments and to attend the parents’ evening video calls. In addition, 83% of parents requested that this model be used for future events.

Here is a selection of comments made by our parents and carers about the virtual parents’ evening:

Following the success of this event, we look forward to holding more virtual parents’ evening in March and April with Years 11, 10 and 9 and Year 7 later in the year.

Look out for the dates and how to book your appointment schedule on the CVEA website.