The Academy
Castle View Enterprise Academy is a new and exciting multimillion pound school for 11-16 year olds serving the areas of Castletown, Townend, Bexhill, Hylton Castle and beyond.
Our aim is to create a centre of excellence with a clear focus on raising standards of academic performance and enabling every student to achieve their personal best in all areas of academy life within a safe, secure and stable environment. We will give your child a safe, caring and supportive environment with the latest technology for learning.
We will create an academy where everyone is valued and where we have respect for ourselves and each other.
We understand how important your child is and we consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to educate and develop your child over the next five years.
You want your child to grow and develop into a responsible citizen, prepared for the world beyond our academy. As a parent, you will have a major part to play in partnership with the academy encouraging, overseeing, motivating, protecting and caring for your child during the most vulnerable years of their life.
Welcome To Our Academy
It is a pleasure to welcome you to our Academy, whether you are a student, a parent, a friend of the Academy or a visitor. I am delighted to invite you to explore Castle View Enterprise Academy and hope you will take the time to read about the exciting and outstanding education we offer our students and the wider community.
Although we are a relatively new building, the Academy grounds itself in traditions of education; we seek to ensure that all our students achieve their personal best, develop personally, socially, morally and culturally within an environment which is orderly, disciplined and respectful.
We are recognised for the care, support and outstanding academic achievement we provide for all students, coupled with leadership opportunities and preparation for working life in modern Britain. We ensure our students are ready to take their place in the wider society of which they are a part.
School years are the most important in the lives of our children and we need to ensure that every child has the right to an excellent education. Our staff are dedicated and I am privileged to lead an exceptional team of teachers and support staff. We are supported by a committed and energetic governing body who are determined to provide the best education for your child.
Jo Owens
1. To provide the best education for all students in order for them to achieve their personal best in all aspects of academy life.
2. To develop, personal, social, moral and spiritual development within an environment where every child really does matter.
3. To create an orderly, disciplined, caring environment and prepare all students for the world of work and further education in the 21st century.