Music and Performance Curriculum KS3


The Music and Performance curriculum is broad and balanced and carefully planned to ensure that content is thoroughly revisited so that learning is consolidated and sustained. Castle view Enterprise Academy believes that the arts can play an exciting and leading role in providing a dynamic focus for the educational experience of its young people.

We aim to develop creativity and a lifelong appreciation for the arts. We aim to do this by providing rewarding activities that inspire, inform, stimulate, challenge and entertain. Arts activities will help develop the capacity to formulate and communicate ideas and feelings; they enhance perceptual skills through responding, developing and evaluating, and physical skills through control and use of movement. Involvement in the arts will help to foster a positive attitude among students by developing a wide range of qualities such as cooperation, enthusiasm, passion, inspiration, tenacity and ambition that can be taken into all aspects of life.

At Key Stage 3 all students study Dance, Drama and Music on a termly rotation to ensure they have a wider appreciation of the arts.

Within each discipline students study two units that allow them to develop and gain the knowledge and skills needed to pursue the subject further at Key Stage 4. Within the Music and Performance curriculum, students are encouraged to develop competence to excel in different areas of the arts and compare performances with previous ones to achieve their personal best.

Students will have the opportunity to take part in productions that range of talent shows to musicals where students actively apply all the skills taught in a range of roles and activities in both curriculum and extra-curricular time. Our broad curriculum caters for the needs of all and in Key stage 4 students have the opportunity to study both GCSE and vocational qualifications within Performing Arts to prepare them for future careers in the arts after secondary school life.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Students have many opportunities to continue their learning beyond the classroom for Performing Arts by participating in our extra-curricular timetable and through lessons with peripatetic teachers in voice, drums, guitar, keyboard and brass.

Key contact

Mr D. Parker